Performing at Stockport Pride, July 2023
Performed at Jane Claire Bradley’s Book Launch Event for Dear Neighbour June 2023 at the Feel Good Club
Spoken Word Performance for the LGBT Foundation/ Sapphic Showcase at HOME, April 2023
Curation work, writing and Film Introduction for HOME’s BFI Monsters Film Season at HOME
August- December 2022
Spoken Word Performances at SLAY (March 2022, August 2022, January 2023)
Avy performed their own spoken word poetry and monologues at queer noise, cross-arts performance night at SLAY at Lurid Ultra Hybrid, Manchester.
Creative Producer of Tree Fish Productions
January 2022- Ongoing
Current production: The Possibility of Colour By Pete Carruthers, Northern Tour
Co-Founder and Producer of Mosh Film Festival (link coming soon)
Feb 2021- Ongoing
Ally is co-founder, producer and programmer of an upcoming heavy metal film festival in Greater Manchester in May. For more information please follow @moshfilmfest on Instagram and Twitter
Chapter Author for a Bloomsbury Edited Film Analysis Collection TBA (soon)
July 2021- Ongoing
Ally is author of a chapter in an upcoming academic film analysis edited collection from Bloomsbury about a well loved and critically renowned film- to be announced soon. The chapter will focus on costume, production and character design, transcultural fandom and fashion trends of ’90s and ‘OOs gothic, punk and alternative subcultures.
Artwork Included in HOME’s Manchester Open Exhibition Jan-Mar 2022
One of Ally’ s mixed media art pieces, an autumnal bridal bouquet was selected to be in HOME’s Manchester Open exhibition in the main gallery.
Theatre Designer and Head of Design Team for Theatre Production The Possibility of Colour
August 2020- Ongoing
Ally is Theatre Designer and Head of the Design Team for an Arts Council and UCLan funded new dystopian science fiction theatre production entitled The Possibility of Colour, written and directed by Pete Carruthers. The play explores themes such as synaesthesia, voice hearing, forced treatment, artificial intelligence, difference, discrimination, mental health and questions what it is to be deemed ‘normal’. She is developing the concept design and overall audio-visual identity for the piece. More information coming soon.
Art Director for Short Film Wolf Ticket
Feb 2020- Ongoing
Ally is currently working as Head of the Art Department for a dark thriller short film entitled Wolf Ticket, written and directed by Adam Jowett. More information coming soon.
Producer and Programmer for Pilot Light TV Festival
2019- Ongoing
Ally is producer and programmer for Pilot Light TV Festival, the UK’s non-profit festival dedicated to celebrating the past, present and future of TV engaging with both international and national industry professionals, artists experts and audiences.
Copyright © 2019 Aesthetic Realms.
Website by Subzero.